
Anthony Krizan

Barbara Siesel & Keith Torgan

Bob Bralove & Tom Constanten – Solo, Dose Hermanos, Psychedelic Keyboard Summit

Film: Bradley Fields: Out of Thin Air! & MatheMagi

Ceili Rain

Dick Halligan

Ehama Institute

Faye Lane’s Beauty Shop Stories

Francisco “Pancho” Navarro

Gordon Millings

Greg Kennedy – Theorum, Spherus, Innovative Juggler & Kinetics

Grupo Greg Ribot

James Judd

Joanna Barry & Emerald Fire Dance


Katherine Dines – Hunk-Ta-Bunk-Ta®

Kea Chan

Margaret Steele’s Amazing Magic Show

McLean Avenue Band 

Mecca Bodega

Roger Davidson

Roger Davidson & Raul Juarena: Pasion Por La Vida

Stephanie Chaiken and 11:56®

Tamra Hayden

The Stein Brothers

Thomas Michael Jones

Wally Pleasant